People I Find Intellectually Useful and Inspiring

On my blog I try to only post very original content, so when an idea I want to make known to the world has already been sufficiently covered by someone else I will just link them here instead of writing my own post about it.

Asha Logos

A highly educated historian that uses brilliant storytelling, speaking skills and editing to craft an inspiring and well researched narrative of european history in his "Our Subverted History" series. Our history is what brought us to where we are now so it is valuable to understand it as a narrative. Placing ourselves within that narrative can help to give us purpose.

* Asha Logos - Odysee

John Doyle

He makes a variety of political, philosophical, and self improvement videos with a distinctly generation Z sense of humor and high energy. His main goal is to change conservatism from being largely a passive political belief which accomplishes nothing to being active and willing to wield power against its opposition. He is very skilled at staying focused on actually important topics instead of falling for the distracting events of modern politics. How Porn Is Destroying You and Our Country is probably his most important video.

* John Doyle

Jonathan Pageau

A very intelligent Orthodox Christian who makes a variety of insightful video essays, podcasts and a "Universal History" series which resembles the purpose of the Asha Logos history series but uses a more symbolism focused approach. His focus is on studying traditional symbolism and how it can help us understand the world around us. Check his playlists page and see what interests you.

* Jonathan Pageau

Joel Davis

He covers deep and often esoteric dissident right-wing philosophical topics. His ImperiumCast is often a very good listen and his other videos can also be very enlightening.

* Joel Davis

The Alternative Hypothesis

An academic statistics expert who writes articles and makes videos on the statistics of controversial things such as race and equality. His video The Political Consequences of Declining Testosterone is eye opening, as are several of his other works.

* The Alt Hype

Keith Woods

He makes videos discussing several topics from book reviews to right-wing philosophy to deep politics. He's associated with Joel Davis.

* Keith Woods

Palladium Magazine

Extremely high quality analytical articles about "the future of governance and society." The writers clearly have a prophetic and forward thinking understanding of political theory, philosophy, and economics, their understanding is so meticulous that they can speak in abstract and complex philosophical terms while being entirely grounded in the most practical reality. They are skilled in investigative journalism and are some of the best in their field at writing and editing.
Some of my favorites include:
- The Modern Diet is A Biosecurity Threat: A well researched piece on how dangerous the modern diet really is.
- The Triumph and Terror of Wang Huning: A compelling look into the depths of chinese politics.
- The Chaos of Science in Power: The philosophical and practical dangers of involving politics with science.
- Make Yourself Human Again: Reluctantly embracing capitalism's trajectory towards human extinction.

* Palladium

Luke Smith

A linux nerd with an interesting podcast that covers a variety of mostly unrelated topics.

* Not Related!